Schlagwort-Archive: Riviera

Die Preisträger des French Riviera Film Festivals 2024

FRFF Awards: Nicole Muj, Schauspieler Martin Rodriguez (Griselda). (Photos by Erick Seban-MeyerDas sechste jährliche Filmfestival der französischen Riviera, das Kurzfilme und Kurzfilminhalte aus der ganzen Welt feierte, gab die Weiterlesen

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successful first french Riviera Film Festival (FRFF)

FRFF Closing Party (Photo FRFF)On May 18th and 19th, the first ever French Riviera Film Festival (FRFF) took place at the Eden Hotel on the beautiful French coast. FRFF honors the best short films and Weiterlesen

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Nicole Goesseringer Muj: French Riviera Film Festival in Cannes

Nicole Goesseringer Muj (re) (Foto private) The first French Riviera Film Festival (FRFF) will take place on May 18th and 19th. The two-day festival was founded by Nicole Goesseringer Muj of Kultura PR Weiterlesen

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